Creator:Fastener Engineering and Sales Date Created:April 17, 1974 Place Created: Keywords:screws Context:invoice ************************************************** FASTENER ENGINEERING 8c SALES CORP. 185 WEST 1700 SOUTH PHONE (801)487-5406 P. O. BOX 11214 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 841 1 1 INVOICE NO PREPAY a CHARGE SHIP FROM ORDERED BY ORDER WRITTEN BY ITEMS BACK ORDERED ON ITEMS B/O FROM \°/o'\o Zg F.O.B. POINT CUSTOMER ORDER JOB OR REQUISITION NO. DATE OF ORDER DATE SHIPPED QUANTITY ORDERED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY WEIGHT UNIT PRICE PLEASE PAY BY INVOICE - NO STATEMENT WILL BE SENT SUB TOTAL Claims as to price or otherwise must be reported within 10 days of receipt of material. Material may not be returned without prior approval and is subject to handling charge. Delivery and acceptance of the items described on this invoice has been with the agreement that the obligation represented by this invoice is due and payable and will be paid at the office of the company shown above within 30 days from date hereof. In the event payment is not made, purchaser agrees to pay interest at the rate of 1'/:% PER MONTH (18% PER ANNUM) on the unpaid balance hereof until paid together with all casts and expenses incurred in collecting, including a reasonable attorney's fee. DISCOUNT NOT ALLOWED ON CURRENT INVOICES, IF ANY PAST DUE BALANCE REMAINS. SALES TAX TRANSPORTATION CHARGES TOTAL AMOUNT DUE RECEIVED BY_